e-flux is pleased to announce the opening of its reading room in New York on Friday, August 28th at 6PM. The reading room is a rapidly growing collection of several thousand books on contemporary art exhibitions open to the public at 41 Essex Street. The books have been donated by numerous art institutions and individuals from all parts of the world and reflect some of the more interesting developments in art of the past decade. e-flux reading room is open for research and study from Tuesday through Saturday, 12-6 pm. Come visit!
Contributing institutions include:A Prior, Aeroplastics contemporary, Agentur fur Fotografie und Fotoprojekte, alphadelta gallery, aMAZElab, Americas Society, Annika Larsson, Apex Art Curatorial Program, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine (ADKV), Arch+ Foundation / Volume, Archis, Art & Industry Biennial Trust, Art en Marge, Art Gallery of Mississauga, Art Goes Heiligendamm, Art in General, Art Lies - A Contemporary Art Quarterly, Art Press (Art Resources Transfer INC), Artangel, ArtBOX, artconnexion, Artes Mundi, Artfairs inc, artforum (Bookforum), Art-ist 5, artspace witzenhausen gallery, Artspeak, Asperger Autorenwerkstatt e.V., Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Athens Biennial, Austrian Cultural Forum New York, B&M Verlag, BAK - basis voor actuele kunst, BAM/PFA, b-books, Bettinna Pousttchi, BIDA - Bienial Internacional del Deporte en el Arte, Bidoun: Arts and Culture from the Middle East, Black Dog publishing, Blanton Museum of Art, Boijmans Museum, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonniers Konsthall, Bookworks, Bristol School of Art Media and Design, bruno dorn verlag, Buchmann Galerie Berlin, Bury Art Gallery, CAB, Caja de Burgos Art Centre, Cabinet, CCA Wattis, Center for Contemporary Non-objective Art, Centraal Museum Utrecht, Centre Culturel Suisse Paris, Centre d'Art Nicolas de Stael, Centre d'Art Santa Monica Generalitat de Catalunya, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, ...etc....
Should you wish to contribute to this collection, please send your publications to:
e-flux reading room
41 Essex Street
New York, NY 10002
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