"Artworks are the virtual traces of a ceaseless process of becoming." -- Henri Focillon

"THESE HANDS" call for entries

"THESE HANDS" call for entries
Click photo to view details of newest CHRISTINE TARANTINO project.

FLUX-USA welcomes visitors from over 40 countries daily. Artists, curators, and other arts leaders who wish to contribute to this blog, please contact me. tarantinochristine@yahoo.com


September 2012

Christine A. Tarantino - Hjuler BROTKATZE collaborations on exhibit at FzKKe Gallery, Germany, Sept. 1 - 30, 2012. http://fluxusa.blogspot.com/2012/09/brotkatzen-exhibit-opens-sept-1.html

With the Blood of a Daylily - Poems & Drawings by the Homeless Poet by Christine A. Tarantino, published by Words of Light:

THESE HANDS PRAY FOR GERONIMO, a visual poem of American Indians, by Christine A. Tarantino, published by Words of Light:

Christine A. Tarantino's ECDYSIS, snake skin artist book exhibited with 99 other book artists in Italy, curated by Maddalena Castegnaro. http://fluxusa.blogspot.com/2012/09/mirabilibrimostra-internazionale-di.html

Christine A. Tarantino, Sign and Language Group Exhibit, Open Stal, The Netherlands.

Christine A. Tarantino series of 40,"Being Human" published by Redfoxpress, Assembling Box #20, Ireland.

RED LIPS - What is Your Version for Me? by Christine Tarantino is published by Words of Light now available in print or eBook formats. New version includes ALL 42 artists from 13 countries plus additional text and images by Christine Tarantino.

August internet art exhibit @ CHRISTINE TARANTINO COLLECTION features artist STEVE RANDOM. http://christinetarantinocollection.blogspot.com/2012/08/steve-random-usa.html

WORDS OF LIGHT BOOKS, Art Publications By Contemporary Artists, new blog offering various format books published by Christine A. Tarantino. www.wordsoflightbooks.blogspot.com

Christine A. Tarantino/Words of Light publishes THE SKY EMBRACES THE GREAT WORLD by Walter Festuccia. http://www.lulu.com/shop/walter-festuccia/the-sky-embraces-the-great-world/paperback/product-20294750.html

Christine Tarantino, "Instant Person 1 & 2", self-portraits with Polaroid Camera for POLAROID MADNESS, project of Franticham, Ireland. On-line exhibit and exhibition Kassel, Germany during the DOCUMENTA 2012.http://wordsoflightart.blogspot.com/2012/02/no-426-instant-person-1-2.html
Exhibition "INSTANT PEOPLE"250 polaroid self-portraits by 175 artists from 22 countries.11.– 23. Juli 2012 Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung am Mittwoch, dem 11. Juli 2012 ab 19 Uhr möchten wir Sie und Ihre Freunde herzlich in denKasseler KunstvereinWerner-Hilpert-Straße 2334117 Kassel, einladen.

Christine A. TARANTINO, "Ecdysis" artist book exhibited at Villa Excelsa, Sannicola, Italia. Curator, Maddalena Castegnaro
Opening night: http://fluxusa.blogspot.com/2012/07/naturalia-animalia-artist-book-exhibit.html

July internet art exhibit @ Christine Tarantino Collection features Anna Banana, Darlene Altschul, & John Mountain.

"THESE HANDS" call for entries, newest project from Christine TARANTINO.

June internet art exhibit @ Christine Tarantino Collection features Antoni Miró.

"Fear No NewNew Art" artist book published by Redfoxpress, Assembling Box #19, Ireland.

"E-mail Between the Artist & Her Lover" artist book exhibited Villa Giulia, Italia. Curator Marisa Cortese.

"WHO AM I?" artist book exhibited Mostra Internazionale, Italia. Curator Virginia Milici.

"RED LIPS of Christine Tarantino", art booklet by Bruno Chiarlone published in Italy. http://fluxusa.blogspot.com/2012/05/red-lips-of-christine-tarantino-by.html

May internet art exhibit @ CHRISTINE TARANTINO COLLECTION features artist RYOSUKE COHEN.

Christine TARANTINO, "RED LIPS FOR DALAI LAMA" exhibition @ INviso, Padiglione TIBET, Associazione
Sal Viana frazione Saliana Pianello del Lario (CO)curated by Ruggero Maggi. http://fluxusa.blogspot.com/2012/04/inviso-padiglione-tibet-cura-di-ruggero.html

April internet art exhibit @ CHRISTINE TARANTINO COLLECTION features artists Daniel C. Boyer and Richard Canard. http://christinetarantinocollection.blogspot.com/2012/04/daniel-c-boyer-richard-canard.html

Christine Tarantino, "NEWNEW ART Mono-Prints" published in
"Franticham's Fluxus Assembling Box Nr 18", Redfoxpress, IRELAND.

DODODADIANI featured this month in internet art exhibit at
Christine Tarantino Collection. Dododadiani internet art exhibit.

RED LIPS Project: What is your version for me? Send to:
tarantinochristine@yahoo.com or RED LIPS, Box 121, Wendell, MA 01379 USA
"Sometimes I need red apple. Sometimes I need red
Nam June Paik
Your RED LIPS art modification will yield online documentation, mailed
documentation, and potential publication. Please include a mailing address with
your submission.

Christine Tarantino, "Better Together: Harmony; Radiance; Consciousness; Evolution",
International Mother Language Day Art Exhibit, Kathmandu, NEPAL, by invitation of Rafique Sulayman, Curator.

Christine Tarantino, "Flux-USA Gallery of Stars with Lucy Chew Intervention" http://wordsoflightart.blogspot.com/2011/12/no-403-flux-usa-galaxy.html
exhibited in Group Show: Fluxfest Chicago 2012 (Chicago, USA) FROM THE ARCHIVE Mailart and Fluxus from the archives of Fluxus/St. Louis. Opening reception Chicago Art Institute, Joan Flasch Library.

February online art exhibits from 'The Christine Tarantino Collection' features Belgian artists Guido Vermeulen and Gerson Wenglinski. http://christinetarantinocollection.blogspot.com/2012/01/guido-vermeulen-and-gerson-wenglinski.html

Christine Tarantino, "RED-BERRY Series" published in "Franticham's Fluxus Assembling Box Nr 17", Redfoxpress, IRELAND.
http://wordsoflightart.blogspot.com/2011/05/no-377-red-berry-stained-series.html http://www.redfoxpress.com/ass.box17.html

FAX Exhibit, The DeVos Art Museum, Michigan, USA, curated by Ribas; organized by The Drawing Center and ICI, NYC. TARANTINO "I of the EYE-FAX", asemic writing series: http://wordsoflightart.blogspot.com/2012/01/no-416-i-of-eye-fax.html

Wooden Postcard Exhibit, Stehekin Post Office, Stehekin, Washington, USA. Work by Christine Tarantino: http://christinetarantino.blogspot.com/2012/01/outgoing-wooden-postcards-mail-art.html

Christine Tarantino, "PhotoBooth" work published in new book, "Photobooth Performances" by Ginny Lloyd.

Christine Tarantino, Mail Art and Video Performance at Galleriea Terre Rare, Bologna, Italy, January 28 - February 8, 2012. Project of Maurizio Follin, Italia. http://fluxusa.blogspot.com/2012/01/no-commercial-potential-phaze-ii-show.html

Christine Tarantino, RED LIPS for Dalai Lama, collage exhibited at Venice Biennial Tibet Pavilion – Palazzo delle Esposizioni Sala Nervi - Torino, project of Ruggero Maggi, Milan, Italy.

Christine Tarantino exhibited at Foundation IK New Year Celebration Exhibit "I WISH", The Netherlands, by invitation of Ko de Jonge.

The Christine Tarantino Collection, newest Christine Tarantino art blog started on January 1, 2012. Showcasing selected works from my 20 year collection of works on paper from artists around the globe.

Christine Tarantino-Hjuler BROTKATZE Collaboration exhibited at GALERIE "Offenes Atelier D.U. Design", Austria, Barbara Rapp, Curator.




An artist's book from JEAN DELVAUXfreely screenprinted by Francis Van Maele
at Redfoxpress, Ireland

From a one of a kind artist's book from the renown artist Jean Delvaux,
and with the agreement of the artist, Francis Van Maele made a new interpretation

of the work by screenprinting in a rough manner the images on recycled craft paper
from used cattle feed sacks fom South Korea.
The original pictures were collages with overpainted original old japanese postcards
on which old photographs have been tranfered with aceton.

- 25 x 33 cm limited edition book.
- 15 screen prints on recycled craft paper from Korean cattle feed sacks
- Hard cover, screen printed, japanese binding.
- 60 signed and numbered copies.
- May 2012

Price: 225 euro / 190 GBP / 295 $US


195 euro / 160 GBP / 255 $US

order your copy now by email at info@redfoxpress.com
or by Paypal online at http://www.redfoxpress.com/BIB-fukushima.html

6ª Bienal do Esquisito 2012 Brasil

GRUPPO SINESTETICO (Albertin Sassu , Scordo) , is present with video : "Homage to J. Beuys"
ARTISTAS SELECIONADOS: Aguardem o contato por email com as instruções para o envio ou entrega da(s) obra(s).
Terceira Relação Parcial - Artistas Selecionados
2HW (São Paulo, SP)
All Bano Dias (Goiânia, GO)
Alvaro Azzan (Campinas, SP)
Amanda Jones (São Paulo, SP)
André Cunha (São Paulo, SP)
Angela Waltrick (Lages, SC)
Bárbara de Azevedo (São Paulo, SP)
Bruno NITZ (Jaú, SP)
Carla Scheid (Imbituba, SC)
Chico Santos (Londrina, PR)
Coletivo Amor Experimental (São Paulo, SP)
Dudu Gomes (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)
Emerson Kelsch (Atibaia, SP)
Gruppo Sinestetico (Torreglia Pd - ITÁLIA)
Jana Richardi (Campinas, SP)
Lara Leal (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)
Marcela Tiboni (São Paulo, SP)
Matias Picón (Bragança Paulista, SP)
MIRS (Campinas, SP)
Pedro Dutra (Americana, SP)
Renato Rea (São Paulo, SP)
Ricárddo P Pínto (São Paulo, SP)
Roderick Steel (São Paulo, SP)
Tatiana Medoruma (Campinas, SP)
Thomaz Rosa (São Caetano do Sul, SP)
Tiago Emanuel de Olivera (Campinas, SP)
Tiago Ianuck (Brasília, DF)
Tiago Lima (Salvador, BA)
Wagner Schwartz (São Paulo, SP)

Segunda Relação Parcial - Artistas Selecionados
(aguarde a divulgação dos próximos nomes)

Diego de los Campos (Florianópolis, SC)
Maria Vitória Ferreira (Americana, SP)
Mariza Barbosa (Uberlândia, MG)
Rubens Estevão (Belo Horizonte, MG)
Sandro Brasil (Florianópolis, SC)
Serjão Augusto (Guarulhos, SP)
Suyan de Mattos (Brasília, DF)
Tatiana Cavinato (Belo Horizonte, MG)
Vivian Puxian (São Paulo, SP)

Primeira Relação Parcial - Artistas Selecionados
(aguarde a divulgação dos próximos nomes)
Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas (Guarulhos, SP)
Antonio Lima (João Pessoa, PB)
Carla Meurer Magalhães (Porto Alegre, RS)
Carol Brandi (Campinas, SP)
Chimenia Sczesny (Rio de Janeiro, RJ)
Cibele Fernandes (São Paulo, SP)
Coletivo 308 (Guarulhos, SP)
Dalton Paula (Goiânia, GO)
Daniel Alonso (São Paulo, SP)
Denidias (Lorena, SP)
Eni Ilis (Campinas, SP)
Fabio Hacienda (São Paulo, SP)
Fábio Leão (São Paulo, SP)
Felipe Olalquiaga (Brasília, DF)
Fernando da Luz (Porto Alegre, RS)
Flaw Mendes (Campina Grande, PB)
Gersey Pinheiro (Atibaia, SP)
Gonçalo Pavanello (São Bernardo do Campo, SP)
Ivan Schulze (Blumenau, SC)
João Bosco (Hortolândia, SP)
Leandro Dário (São Paulo, SP)
Lu Paternostro (São Paulo, SP)
Márcio Pannunzio (Ilhabela, SP)
Mariana Benedetto (São Paulo, SP)
Neco Soares (São Paulo, SP)
Rael Brian (Brusque, SC)
Rafael Mellim (Atibaia, SP)
Ricardo Morelatto (São Paulo, SP)
Rogerio Camargo (Vargem Grande Paulista, SP)
Rogério Pedro (Campinas, SP)
6ª Bienal do Esquisito
Tema: A face oculta de um acéfalo
Abertura: 05 de maio, às 19h
Período da mostra: de 05 a 26 de maio de 2012
Local: Museu Olho Latino – Centro de Convenções “Victor Brecheret”
Endereço: Alameda Prof. Lucas Nogueira Garcêz, 511 – Parque das Águas – Estância de Atibaia, SP - CEP: 12941-650.

MUSEO DEL TENDAL/ comienza la Primer temporada 2012

TENDALES/ sl VI Temporada 2012-2013 propone MUSEO DEL TENDAL. descripción básica/ Plan de inserción de las ARTES VISUALES en espacios semi-permanentes, a partir de la creación del proyecto MUSEOS DEL TENDAL en Centros Educativos, Gremiales y Sociales. TENDALES/sl propone desarrollarlos en acuerdo a la dinámica de tiempo y espacio de los mismos, brindando en carácter de ¨préstamo a término¨ piezas originales de su pinacoteca. La contrapartida de tal acción será la posibilidad de visitas, las cuales serán coordinadas y adecuadas a los cronogramas del lugar y que no representen una injerencia en su actividad habitual, también deberá ser posible recibir visitantes el Día del Patrimonio Nacional, en los horarios marcados para tales efectos por el MEC. En la VI Temporada de TENDALES/sl, pondrá en marcha la primera etapa del proyecto MUSEOS DEL TENDAL en la EX- Guardería SERAL ( Magariños Cervantes & Mitre)de Santa Lucía. En esta primer instancia se co-gestionará con el proyecto LA TERTULIA DE MARÍA que aportará letras, danza, teatro, música. TENDALES/ sl LA TERTULIA DE MARÍA proponen MUSEO DEL TENDAL APERTURA Viernes 4 de Mayo 2012 hora 19.00 Muestra Permanente antoni MIRÓ (España) / luis ABRAHAM (Argentina) / ana POBO (España) / rosa CAZHUR / jorge CLAVIJO / rodolfo TORRES / rosa AUDISIO (Argentina) / manuel GRAÑA / eduardo MIER / ana CASTAÑER (España) / andrés RIVERA / atilio DUTRUEL.
LA TERTULIA DE MARÍA Programa de Apertura del Ciclo 2012 - María CARBAJAL / relatos - Alberto GARCIA UNZAÍN / cuentos y poemas - Felipe SOSA / poemas - Denise MANGO / monólogos - Ruben BAUDINO / música y canciones - Elbio OLIVERA / canciones Gestión/ LA TERTULIA DE MARÍA & TENDALES/sl �


SECRET BOX Artist Book Exhibit, with Christine Tarantino

Christine TARANTINO artist book

Eclipse Mill Free Paint Party, May 6th

Face the World – Global Portrait Party: Eclipse Mill Edition Sunday, May 6th, from 2 -5 PM
243 Union Street - Eclipse Mill Gallery, 1st floor
North Adams, Massachusetts

Come to North Adams, Massachusetts on Sunday, May 6th!
ECLIPSE MILL Free Paint Party, May 6th
The Global Portrait Party promises to be a dynamic and fun event. The buzz is out and it will be the first Portrait Party outside of Canada including Facebook fans and Non Facebook Friends alike! 

Effluvia Recordings (ER080) Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt – Frozen Chosen

Effluvia Recordings

(ER080) Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt – Frozen Chosen

A proud day for Effluvia, now reaching 80 releases. Originally, i was looking forward to reach 4 multiplied by 20 on the catalog, because I would take such a moment to reflect upon the brilliance you can find in the albums here. Or perhaps I could take an opportunity to express my gratitude towards the hard working artists letting their hearts bleeding out onto this wordpress page I haphazardly threw together. But today the praise goes to Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt specifically. The throne of release 80 is all his, and this is not the only throne he can now enjoy. This record, Frozen Chosen, marks now the 100th release of this brilliant artist! That is no minute achievement by any standard. All of his records that I have heard have blown me away, such as his works Kissing The Sky, HangIN Their, Two Thousand Eleven, as well as countless (and by that I mean 97) other solo works and collaborations! On Effluvia he has an amazing 10 releases on Effluvia alone, including splits with Consistency Nature, Pollux, & Rosendo J. Rocha. His 100th record is a shining, crystalline example of what kind of music Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt’s concocts, and if you are criminally unaware of his work, then you have come to the right place for a first listen. This is his drone at the height of his magic, though he would refute the term “drone” and with further, deeper listening, you will discover why! There is much more at work here. with his signature accidental guitar method, he will take you to the far extents of your imagination’s limits, which are boundless. Tadpoles and falling empires, tundras and deserts and backalleys. All veiled by this tremendous shroud, and upon this shroud are painted, with beautiful and sacred feedback minimalisms and crunchy static behemoths, the true face of all this. The tadpoles. The dystopias. The landscapes. All of totality and our idea on what lies beyond, this is how his music makes me feel. This album has four tracks of just such innovative, almost spiritual works (not to mention azure artwork by the wonderful artist Diu Pii!).I am so blessed by whatever strange personified nihil is pulling my strings to have this genius on Effluvia with such frequency, and am also happy to have met him personally when he and his daughter visited LA from Berlin (Sorry I was an hour late to pick you up from the airport, my friend!)

Album: Frozen Chosen
Artist: Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt
Bitrate: 128 kbps
Format: mp3
Genre: Sunburnt Soundscape
April 28th 2012

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Museu Del Tendal includes works by Antoni MIRO and Rodolfo TORRES


Mostra di arte contemporanea
dal 28 aprile al 13 maggio 2012
L'evento intende riattualizzare - in un momento storico delicato, attraversato da preoccupanti crisi ideologiche e culturali, nonchè dalla perdita progressiva di valori fondanti il consorzio sociale - l'antico legame tra la Chiesa e l'Arte. A tal fine la mostra di arte "sacra" che proponiamo- attraverso i lavori di operatori estetici, selezionati in ambito locale e nazionale - mira alla produzione di opere d'arte che favoriscano l'incontro fra le reciproche esperienze estetiche e le espressioni spirituali. La mostra, a cura di Nino Arrigo e Gianfranco Labrosciano, sarà presentata da Gianfranco Labrosciano.
L’inaugurazione e la presentazione del catalogo saranno giorno 28 aprile alle ore 18.00 presso la Chiesa di S. Calogero di Nicosia. L’esposizione sarà aperta al pubblico tutti i giorni dalle ore 17.00 alle ore 22.00 dal 29 aprile al 13 maggio 2012.
Gili artisti partecipanti sono: Pippo Altomare, Santino Barbera, Sebastiano Caracozzo, Oscar Carnicelli, Cesare Di Narda, Mariano Filippetta, Saloua Jabeur, Rita Mantuano, Saverio Martino, Massaro Rita Marta, Stefano Mercatali, Francesca Panico, Graziella Paoloni Parlagreco, Antonio Pugliano, Gina Scardino, Maurizio Spallanzani, Enzo Spanò, Trapani Calabretta, Alfonso e Nicola Vaccari.
La mostra è organizzata e promossa da SiciliAntica (sezione di Nicosia), dal Kiwanis (sezione di Nicosia) e dall'Associazione Forti-Natoli di Sperlinga. Con il Patrocinio della Diocesi di Nicosia, dell'Università di Enna "Kore", dell'Associazione Italia Nostra e dell'ARS e del Comune di Nicosia, ospitata nel programma della Settimana della Cultura dedicata a Gaggini. Con la collaborazione dell’Associazione Culturale Altom@rte e della Casa d’Arte la Fenice di Sperlinga. L’allestimento della mostra è a cura di Filippo Altomare e Gina Scardino.
La mostra sarà anche un ricco contenitore con conferenze satelliti. Ecco il programma:
29 aprile
Conferenza "L'altro Ponte", con interventi di: G. Labrosciano (scrittore e critico d'arte), M. Callisto (Presidente Movimento "Paeseggiando"), A. Cersosimo (sindaco di S. Lorenzo Bellizzi), Coriolano Martirano (segretario perpetuo Accademia Cosentina), Nicola Bloise (Centro Studi "Il Nibbio" di Morano Calabro), Ida Perrone (scrittrice), Antonio Presti (Fondazione "fiumara d'arte), Piergiacomo La Via (Presidente Coordinamente Unitario in difesa del tribunale di Nicosia), Francesco Salamone (Presidente C.I.A. Enna), Abdelkarima Hannachi, docente di lingua araba Università di Enna "Kore");
30 aprile
"Una proposta per il soffitto ligneo di Nicosia", intervengono: Nino Contino, Gianfranco Labrosciano, Leandro Janni (Consigliere Nazionale di “Italia Nostra”;
1 maggio
Escursione guidata al Monte Altesina a cura di SiciliAntica;
2 maggio
"Le pitture di Filippo Randazzo nella Chiesa di S. Calogero di Nicosia" a cura di Filippo Costa;
3 maggio
Presentazione della guida: "La custodia lignea della Chiesa di Santa Maria degli angeli" a cura di Giovanni D'Urso e Salvatore Lo Pinzino;
4 maggio
Mostra fotografica "Pauciuri" di S. Sbirù; visita guidata alla mostra di opere in rame sbalzato di Santino Barbera presso la Chiesa del SS. Sacramento di San Nicolò.
Un ringraziamento speciale va al Dott. Giovanni D'Urso Presidente di SiciliAntica della sezione di Nicosia e Sperlinga e al Dott. Salvatore Lo Pinzino del Kiwanis per il preziosissimo supporto organizzativo e la passione dimostrata.
Per ulteriori informazioni: Nino Arrigo 348.0512104 - arrigonino@gmail.com
(Kindness of Filippo Altomare)

EL GLITCH ART o el arte del error. por Maecos UMPIERREZ


Glitch Art o el arte del error

Mie, jun 23, 2010
En un sentido técnico un fallo es el resultado inesperado de un mal funcionamiento. En el sentido artístico, es otro camino a seguir para la creación, un camino de mutaciones con resultados inesperados, que a la vez hacen que el creador sea participe y espectador, a esto se le llama GLITCH.
Los Glitches se dan en su mayoría a consecuencia de una mala comunicación o traducción errónea al transferir datos de un medio a otro. Se producen en las computadoras debido a los errores de software o hardware.
Iman MoradiIman Moradi, tal vez el teórico oficial de fallo en primer lugar, ha escrito extensamente sobre el tema del arte glitch y publicó el libro GLITCH: Designing Imperfection, en septiembre de 2009., divide la falla en dos categorías. El primero es la interferencia pura que es el resultado de un mal funcionamiento o error no premeditado de un artefacto digital , que puede o no tener sus méritos estéticos propios. El segundo es el resultado de una decisión deliberada por parte del usuario para la generación de esta falla. Ya sea sintetizar problemas técnicos en medios no digitales, o producir y crear el ambiente que se requiere para invocar una falla o anticiparse a una para la creación de una obra artística.
En su disertación Moradi enumera algunas características comunes de los problemas técnicos: la fragmentación (desplazamiento de partes o elementos de la imagen original, así como cambios de tono), la replicación / repetición (la clonación visual o repetición de cualquier parte determinada de una imagen), linealidad (como resultado digital de entrelazado y estructuras de píxeles), la complejidad, (manifestación de la inmensa serie de código por debajo de cualquier pieza de los medios digitales).
Tanto de origen natural o instigado, hay numerosas situaciones que pueden dar lugar a problemas técnicos. Pueden ocurrir como resultado de un rayado de DVD, una secuencia de video dañado en Internet o televisión digital, una caída del software debido a memoria insuficiente, mal funcionamiento de una cámara digital u otro dispositivo. Estos problemas técnicos a veces causan patrones ilegible al aparecer en la pantalla. De esta manera la falla puede ser un objeto manifiesto. Un artista / usuario / hacker puede hacer que estas situaciones sucedan deliberadamente. Es posible dañar el código de un archivo particular digital o incluso físicamente manipulables (intencionalmente mal funcionamiento) de los circuitos de un dispositivo digital obligándolo a “glitchear” su producción.  De la misma manera el proceso de circuit bending con el juguete de un niño para crear sonidos únicos. Después de la ocurrencia de una falla (voluntaria o no) puede ser presentada exclusivamente, como un archivo corrupto para ser interpretados por un ordenador u otros dispositivos digitales. O pueden ser manipulados y luego se guardan como archivos estables que pueden ser impresos o grabarse en un DVD u otros medios. “La estética glitch busca seleccionar las regiones de interés de este material de entrada a menudo muy ricos, y digitalmente manipular y producir imágenes que son agradables al artista.
Algunos artístas destacados:
Sven König popmodernism.org
Takeshi Murata takeshimurata.com
Paul B. Davis post-data.org/~paul/
Paper Rad paperrad.org
Jon Cates systemsapproach.net
Jon Satrom jonsatrom.com
Iman Moradi organised.info
Rosa Menkman rosa-menkman.blogspot.com
Evan Meaney evanmeaney.com
Nick Briz nickbriz.com


[AB]-126 Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt / TROJ / Problem Anderer Leute / To-Bo split - Velma Margie Barfield (2012)

[AB]-126 Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt / TROJ / Problem Anderer Leute / To-Bo split - Velma Margie Barfield (2012)


Serial killer dedication # 7 : Margie Velma Barfield (October 29, 1932 â November 2, 1984) was a serial killer, convicted of six murders. She was the first woman in the United States to be executed after the 1976 resumption of capital punishment and the first since 1962. She was also the first woman to be executed by lethal injection.

The new dedicators:
Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt /USA/
TROJ /Singapore/

And the usual suspects:
Problem Anderer Leute /Germany/
To-Bo /Germany/


(click on the cover to download the release)


[AB]-126 Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt /USA/ / TROJ /Singapore/ / Problem Anderer Leute /Germany/ / To-Bo /Germany/ split - Velma Margie Barfield (2012) / Experimental / Harsh Noise [161 mb] 1:07:48

Overcome By Shadows by Various Artists

Overcome By Shadows

by Various Artists

  • Digital Album

    Immediate download of 24-track album in your choice of MP3 320, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.

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This is Muchausen Sound 50



released 31 March 2012



Some rights reserved. Please refer to individual track pages for license info.


feeds for this album, this artist

Sadayatana 074: Suffusion of Darkness (March 31, 2012)

Sadayatana 074: Suffusion of Darkness (March 31, 2012)

Unreleased track from Dan Miñoza and The Implicit Order: "Eyes Catch Fire". Hey I think that name is inspired by Buddhist on Fire...

New from Webbed Hand Records, The title track from: "Eta Carinae – Rest".

A couple new releases from Treetrunk Records: Gutterhulk and Conure.

Tracks with serial killer samples by Deafness: "Victim". Sorry about that. I like them though. Jeffrey Dahmer talking to someone about creationism. Hard to beat. But also kind of sick too.

New release from Otium by Seetyca & Etheocles Stevens: Sulphur VI.

Jack (audio subsystem) crashed just as the show was ending. I edited it together as best I could. The 78 courtesy of C.P. McDill again, this time John McCormack's "Mother Machree". Thank you.

00:00Handy (Jam) OrganizationIntro
02:20Sean Derrick Cooper MarquardtWoman on Death Row
06:37Elizabeth VeldonMy dream
10:02Creation Of Gods InsanityXiv
19:23ExuviaeLazarus Requiem
21:55The Implicit OrderAt Collinwood (No Days To Be Remembered)
25:15Samsangelswing13 Fingers Around Your Neck
28:34Luis AnteroAgroal Water Soundscape
40:20Insect HumanJa Sam Vas Ucio Ja Sam Vas Dojio 1998
43:24Red FogInfrared Shadows In The Scorched Sky
51:11A.T.M.O.M.Ночное дыхание тайги (Taiga's Night Breathing)
57:27hd5. Trilobite Hymn
59:02A Drama RadioBrave Old World (TV News) (edit 1)
59:32GutterhulkClaw Brood
65:52A Drama RadioParasomnias Parasuicide (TV Death) (edit)
69:28Sean Derrick Cooper MarquardtWoman on Death Row
69:51Eta CarinaeRest (edit)
75:36Flavien GilliéLa Pelouse Devient Jardin
77:53seetyca & etheocles stevensskin drift
87:59deafnessBad day
104:53Reverse ProjectionOld Potion
107:37Reverse ProjectionOld Potion
110:28Luis AnteroVale de Maceira Soundscape
114:13D.Miñoza; The_Implicit_OrderEyes Catch Fire
122:33The Implicit OrderAlone In A Darkened Room
127:38Joe FrawleyDescension Day
130:09Joe FrawleyI Have A Hard Time Talking About The House
135:44e:4c332 variation (untitled remix)
140:26A Drama RadioBrave Old World (TV News) (edit 2)
141:22Mescalibur and Kecap Tuyula bucket under the moon
155:21v4w.enko & d’incise21’59”
160:53Elizabeth VeldonGagging for it (political activism)
167:13Red FogAnechoic Chamber
173:02Red FogIntermission 1 ¬ Signals From The Abandoned Hospital

This audio is part of the collection: Sadayatana
It also belongs to collection: Music & Arts

Artist/Composer: John Tocher
Date: 2012-03-31
Keywords: dark ambient; soundscapes; noise; podcast; a drama radio; a.t.m.o.m.; conure; creation of gods insanity; deafness; d.miñoza; the_implicit_order; e:4c; elizabeth veldon; eta carinae; exuviae; flavien gillié; gutterhulk; handy (jam) organization; hd; insect human; joe frawley; kaztalien; luis antero; mescalibur and kecap tuyul; mhz_; perimeter; ps; red fog; reverse projection; samsangelswing; sean derrick cooper marquardt; seetyca & etheocles stevens; the implicit order; v4w.enko & d’incise; Птомаин


Thanks to stillstream.com where Sadayatana is heard each Saturday night at 8 pm CST. Check the schedule for other great shows.

And thanks to the artists who release their music under a creative commons license. Without their music this podcast would not be possible.

All Sadayatana Podcasts are released under the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license.

[TFR153] Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt, Graffiti Mechanism, Violence Cotton Drone, Jason EVIL Covelli - Split

[TFR153] Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt, Graffiti Mechanism, Violence Cotton Drone, Jason EVIL Covelli - Split

01 Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt - A Post-Modern Metamorphosis
02 Graffiti Mechanism - The Music
03 Violence Cotton Drone - Thunderdrone
04 Jason "EVIL" Covelli - Gruesome Valentine's

cold cell by iky iky & Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt

cold cell

by iky iky & Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt




this is black circle records 63


released 16 April 2012



all rights reserved


feeds for this album, this artist



these words also by various artists